Organization For Women Empowerment (OWE)
د ښځـــــــو د پــــــیا وړتیا موســــسه



POLICY STATEMENT: OWE commits to the attraction, recruitment and retention of staff with the right mix of skills, competencies and attributes essential for achieving its set goals and objectives. Recruitment is the process of defining a job and attracting applicants for the vacant position. Selection is the process of choosing the most appropriate candidate to fill the position from among all those who apply. Recruitment and selection in OWE must therefore seek to: -

 · Be effective - producing enough suitable candidates and the ability to distinguish between suitable and the unsuitable candidates.

· Be efficient - using the most cost-effective advertising and recruitment sources and methods.

· Ensure that all positions identified in the organization structure, are filled by persons who have the right attitude, skill, knowledge, experience and qualification required for performing the job effectively.

· Be fair - maintaining the organization’s ethos and good name with existing employees and potential recruits alike by dealing fairly, honestly and courteously with all applicants. 2.1.2 POLICY SCOPE This policy applies to management and staff of OWE, and shall be the official guide to the recruitment and selection practices of the organization. No exceptions to this policy shall be allowed, and recruitment practices are expected to be consistent at all times. Heads of Departments are responsible for ensuring that the human resources policies and procedures are followed in their departments, and that line managers under them fully understand this policy. This means taking the necessary steps to ensure that:

· all staff likely to be involved in recruitment either have a copy of the Manual or have access to a copy;

· those staff undertake the training provided to develop the skills necessary to implement the Manual;

· systems are set up to monitor adherence to the Manual;

 · complaints of breaches of the Manual are fully investigated;

· Action is taken when breaches of the Manual occur.

2.2 PURPOSE OF THIS POLICY & PROCEDURE This policy guide seeks to:

· Provide clarification and detail of the core commitments laid down in OWE ’s practice for recruitment and selection;

· Offer step by step support to all those involved in the recruitment and selection of OWE staff;

· Ensure that there is a consistent and unbiased procedure for the recruitment and selection of staff throughout the organization;

· Act as the basis of an informal contract between recruiters and the OWE's administration to make the recruitment process as speedy and efficient as possible. 2.3 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OWE commits to being an equal opportunity employer, seeking to consistently recruit competent, qualified and committed individuals. OWE seeks to achieve this by ensuring that the best candidate is selected for the job regardless of age, race, color, marital status, ethnicity, religion, social status, sexual orientation, gender, political or other opinion, social origin, pregnancy, nationality, disability, health status. OWE will: 1. Create conditions that allow all candidates to have an equal chance to seek and to obtain employment and for employees to advance in their jobs while ensuring that employees progress on the basis of their individual talents and capabilities.

16. Implement a systematic approach to the identification and elimination of institutional barriers that women encounter in employment. This is to ensure that women's access to employment and their progress within it depends only on individual skills, talents, and qualifications and is not limited by attributes irrelevant to performance.

17 To achieve the equal opportunities ambition, all staff concerned with the recruitment and selection of staff will have a clear understanding of this policy, the job to be filled, its requirements and the characteristics of the likely job holder in terms of skills, qualifications, previous experience etc. 2.4 RECRUITING AUTHORITY The recruiting manager shall have overall responsibility for the recruitment of an open vacancy, with support from the Human Resources Department. 2.5 TYPE OF CONTRACTS -CONTRACT OF SERVICE i. All employees employed under a contract of service shall be given a written contract of