Organization For Women Empowerment (OWE)
د ښځـــــــو د پــــــیا وړتیا موســــسه

Empowering Afghan Women Entrepreneurs Within Islamic Principles and Afghan Traditions

In the conservative cultural and religious context of Afghanistan, the Organization for Women Empowerment (OWE) is making strides to support women entrepreneurs while adhering to Islamic law and local customs and traditions. Based in Kunduz Province, OWE is currently working with 20 women Entrepreneurs to enhance their knowledge and skills, with the ultimate goal of increasing their incomes through successful enterprises.

OWE's two-pronged approach focuses on equipping the women with essential business insight, while also providing them the resources to put this knowledge into practice. The first key project outcome is that the 20 participating women entrepreneurs have increased their understanding of core business concepts, including:

  • Comprehensive business planning
  • Effective marketing strategies
  • Fundamentals of business finance  
  • Access to micro-grant funding opportunities


Through an intensive 6-day training program, the women gained practical insights and tools to strengthen their business operations. This included a pre-test at the start to assess baseline knowledge, and a post-training evaluation to measure learning outcomes. Feedback from the participants indicates a high level of satisfaction with the content and delivery of the curriculum.

"Before this training, I had a basic idea for a business, but I didn't know how to put together a proper plan or secure financing," said Mariam, one of the participants. "Now I feel confident managing the finances, marketing my products, and growing my enterprise."

Importantly, OWE has achieved these impressive results while respecting Afghanistan's Islamic principles and cultural norms. The organization works closely with local religious leaders and community stakeholders to ensure its programs align with Sharia law and do not conflict with traditional gender roles.

"Our goal is to empower women, but we do so in a way that is compatible with the realities of life for Afghan women," explained OWE's founder, Fatima Ahmadi. "We want these entrepreneurs to thrive, but without compromising their ability to fulfill their duties at home."

Moving forward, OWE plans to scale its women's entrepreneurship initiatives across additional provinces. By continuing to bridge the gap between modern business skills and time-honored cultural values, the organization is creating sustainable pathways for Afghan women to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency.